Support for Your Custody Case with a Family Law Firm in McMinnville, OR

by | Oct 1, 2018 | Lawyers and Law Firms


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Divorces can result in nasty custody battles. It might feel like no one is on your side when you are in the depths of a stressful court case. Both parents often have their own agenda for raising a child. These often do not work well with standard custody and visitation rules. There are also cases when it is not safe to leave a child in the care of the other parent. These cases need to be taken seriously. A good family lawyer can help you achieve the best outcome for your child.

Preparing the Case

You should be able to use the same family law firm for both the divorce and custody hearings. These are usually done in the same hearing, unless there are complications with the custody arrangements. Take the time to talk through your concerns with your lawyer before the mediation or court day. Prepare your case well with a professional family law firm in McMinnville, OR.

Special Circumstances

When you begin working with a family law firm, it is important to share all the information about your case. You may have some special circumstances that need to be considered in the courtroom. Custody and visitation are awarded with some standard guidelines. You may not fit into these. For example, some parents have work schedules that do not allow for regular visitation times. Parents with a history of substance abuse or domestic violence may be required to have supervised visits, as well. Kinney & Brown PC can help you prepare for these incidences.

A family lawyer can help you meet the legal requirements of divorce and custody. You may also feel like you have some quality support when you begin working with a lawyer. Divorce and custody are difficult to navigate, but a lawyer can help you feel more in control of the situation.