How Can an Attorney Help Me Pass my CDR?

by | May 24, 2016 | Lawyer


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If you have won a hard-fought case to receive disability benefits, it’s important to recognize that this is only half the battle. After you are approved to receive SSDI, or Social Security disability insurance, you will be under continuous review to make sure that you are still eligible for benefits from the SSA. This process is called the continuing disability review, or CDR, and if at any point during the CDR you are found to be capable of returning to work, your SSDI benefits can be revoked. Therefore, when dealing with a CDR, you need to ensure you have everything in order. Thankfully, a disability attorney in Baltimore can help you with many aspects of this important hearing.

So how exactly can an attorney help with a CDR case? Here are a few ways:

1. Medical paperwork

In any CDR case, hundreds of pages of medical paperwork are the norm; that’s because the SSA will want to review your medical history as well as your ongoing doctors’ reports to determine whether you are fit to return to work or not. As a result, your attorney will be invaluable in helping you sift through this paperwork and determine what you need to look out for in terms of what will be relevant for the CDR.

2. Communication with the SSA

Throughout the process of the CDR, your attorney will serve as a link between you and the SSA, relaying information two ways. First, he or she will help you decipher any complicated legal language that the SSA might throw your way in the form of letters and other paperwork, and keep you updated on any important upcoming deadlines. On the other end, an attorney will help you communicate with the SSA by replying to all letters as necessary and filing paperwork on your behalf to the agency.

3. Advocate in court

If your CDR case advances to the stage of a court hearing, your Baltimore disability attorney will act as an advocate and speak on your behalf to argue why you still need to continue receiving disability benefits. As a result, you can concentrate on getting better instead of having to worry about how you will argue your case in court.