5 Reasons to Hire a DUI Lawyer

by | May 27, 2021 | Attorney


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You’ve been charged with a DUI. And while it’s true that you can represent yourself in court, it’s a smarter option to simply hire legal help. Here are some of the best reasons why.

Ditch Testing Requirements

You’ll be required to take tests, which means you’ll need to report to a testing facility for that. Imagine the need to keep showing up to the facility for the test. Missing a day could impact your probation status. Your lawyer could reduce this penalty or even expunge, so it won’t hi-jack your routine.

Future Employment

A DUI charge could give you a criminal record, something that hiring companies don’t look on kindly. This could affect your future employment prospects. By hiring a seasoned DUI attorney in San Antonio, you have someone who will work the hardest in getting you a lighter sentence. A competent lawyer could also reduce the penalty or charges so you won’t end up with a criminal record, only be asked to serve a community service or pay a fine.

Continue to Drive

A DUI charge could get your licensed restricted. Have a lawyer help you get your driving privileges reinstated. The goal is to get your license back once the case is over. Without your driving privileges, you might need to look for alternative arrangements on how to move around, which could impact your work life or school and to a lesser extent, your social life.

Cut Down Court Costs

If you have no idea what you’re doing, representing your case in court is foolish. You might just end up spending more in the absence of competent legal help. Cut down on those costs by hiring legal help when you need one.

Limit Probation

If you end up with a probation sentence, your lawyer could work at reducing the period for your probation. That way, you could get back to your life sooner.