Injured on the Job? Contact a Workers Comp Lawyer in Utica

by | Dec 3, 2013 | Personal Injury Lawyer


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Every company in the United States is required to have a workers’ compensation insurance policy. This guarantees that a worker who is injured at work has the resources to receive medical treatment for that injury. It also provides that they receive a portion of their salary, if it is necessary for them to stop working to recover from that injury. For a worker to obtain those benefits, they must receive treatment from a doctor selected by their employer. The employer must also certify that the injury should be covered. While Workers Comp in Utica sounds like a simple procedure, it is often complicated and contentious.

While some injuries such as a butcher slicing his finger are obvious, work-related illnesses can be less accepted. A business owner or the insurance provider may not accept that a building’s air quality caused a worker to develop chronic bronchitis. It is often necessary for an injured worker to hire the Iaconis Law Office PLLC for representation. These lawyers have a great deal of experience with workers’ compensation issues. They know the right medical experts to call to verify that a worker’s injury or illness is work related. Even if the employer and insurance company agrees that the medical condition was caused by the work environment, they may disagree about the severity of the condition.

While the patient’s doctor may state that they should do no work, the insurance company doctor may determine that they are fit to return to work. This type of Workers Comp in Utica dispute often ends up before an administrative law judge for a hearing. A worker should not walk into this without legal representation. The insurance company will have aggressive legal representation to fight the claim. The worker’s lawyer will know what types of evidence are required to substantiate the claim.

The insurance company may also claim that the injury is a result of a pre-existing condition. Many workers injure their back and necks on the job. An insurance company may attempt to claim that a back problem that was solved years ago is the true problem. A lawyer will work with the patient’s doctor to careful document why the two injuries are not related.

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