Hiring A Family Court Lawyer In Brookhaven: How To Get The Family Through a Divorce

by | Oct 8, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms


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A divorce, in and of itself, can be very complicated, and time-consuming. It can also spark a good deal of familial tensions and emotions. From deciding how to split assets, finding a new job or home, and arranging child custody through a Family Court Lawyer in Brookhaven, a divorce is one of the most stressful events a person can go though. It can also be very difficult for children to understand why their parents are splitting up, and what that means for them. For some tips on handling a divorce where kids are involved.

•   The first thing to do is to sit down with your partner and talk to your children about what is happening. You do not have to give details about why you are divorcing unless you want to. However, if your kids ask questions about this, try to answer them as honestly as you can. Kids pick up on being lied to, and they need and want respect for their intelligence. Assure them you both still love them, and will do whatever possible to make sure they are taken care of.

•   Talk to your partner about how you want to handle child custody. If you are unsure of this, contact a family court lawyer to see if they have any recommendations. It is sometimes best for children if the parent with the best income, or who lives in an area where children can keep their friends and attend the same school, has primary custody.

•   If you will both be able to provide reasonably stable, comfortable lives for your children, ask them if they have a preference for whom they wish to live with. Do not take this personally. Female children may naturally want to live with their mothers, and boys with their fathers. Your kids still love you, but living with the other parent may just make things easier for them.

If you are able to come to a child custody arrangement among yourselves with the help of a family court lawyer in Brookhaven, it is much better for you, your spouse, and your children. Lengthy, emotional court battles over child custody only add to the stress and upset everyone is experiencing, and if this can be avoided, it is better for all involved.